Our Vision

We work to realise our vision of an enriching and inclusive society that is in balance with the natural world. As visual designers, we support the changemakers who are reimagining housing, food, energy, transport, land management, clothing, work, education and care.

Visual design empowers people to respond to the complex, interconnected challenges we face in the twenty first century. Well designed visualisations enable us to orient ourselves within complex situations and see them from new perspectives. Visual design provides the clarity and insight we need to make decisions that create positive change.

Our Principles

We are uncompromising in our commitment to making meaningful and tangible change. We work with people and organisations whose work and values align with our vision. Together, we develop ideas and insights and translate them into design outcomes that create positive impact.

As designers, our role is to empower and uplift the people we work with and work for. We work collaboratively and strive to create a welcoming and supportive space for designing, especially for people who have been marginalised or excluded.

To see how we put our principles into practice, view our projects.